Network Security - Project 2

Using IP Security (IPSec) to protect transmitted data

a)      Learning Objectives: 

As we have discovered in Project 1, with a protocol analyzer we can disclose transmitted user data even the user name and password in authentication phase of some common protocols. In this project, we will use IP Security (IPSec) protocol set to protect the transmitted data between two computers running Windows. To test the IP Security configuration we still use the Ethereal protocol analyzer as in Project 1 and try to read the user name and password in transmission.

b)      Tools utilized:

-         The IPSec  protocol needs to be configured for this project.

1.      A Windows server will serve as one end of the IP Security communication. The server has the following parameters:

·        The IP address:

·        The testing account for all services in the server is: username: test/ password: test.

·        The pre-shared key to be used by the authentication method: dcsl

·        Authentication Header protocol: MD5

·        Encapsulating Security Payload  protocols: SHA1 and DES

2.      The other end of the IPSec communication will be a student workstation running the Ethereal protocol analyzer.

·        The student will need an external hard disk with Windows 2000 professional or windows XP installed. IPSec support is a built-in function in Windows XP Professional and Windows 2000 Professional.

-         The Ethereal protocol analyzer running on the student workstation will sniff network traffic traveling between the workstation and the Windows server.

c)      Requirements:

-         The student must enable IP Security function in Windows and use it to protect transmitted data from the client computer to the lab server.

a.       Understand how to configure IPSec in a Windows system by reading related articles on Microsoft sites, for example,

b.      Use Microsoft Management Console (MMC) to configure IPSec on your Windows workstation. Some sample screenshots of how to use MMC:


-         The student will use the ping command in console window to show the negotiation phase of IP Security. If the IPSec is configured properly between the two ends, the IPSec negotiation message will be displayed as part of the ping command output. The screen shots must be submitted as part of this project.

-         The student will test the configuration according to the following 3 scenarios. The captured data must be saved in files as a supplement to the project report.

1.      HTTP traffic:

·        The student will run the Ethereal against one of the network interface cards.

·        The student will use a browser to connect to the Web server (as specified in project 1) and submit the provided authentication information to the server.

·        The student will submit screen shots of the Ethereal to prove that log-in information is protected by IPSec.

2.      Telnet traffic:

·        The student will run the Ethereal against one of the network interface cards.

·        The student will connect to the Telnet server (as specified in project 1) and submit the provided authentication information to the server.

·        The student will submit screen shots of the Ethereal to prove that username and password can not be read as in the project 1.

3.      FTP traffic:

·        The student will run the Ethereal against one of the network interface cards.

·        The student will connect to the FTP server (as specified in project 1) and submit the provided authentication information to the FTP server.

·        The student will submit screen shots of the Ethereal to show the testing username and password can not be read. 


d)      Problem classification:

This experiment can be classified as a network assignment and also as a study experiment.

e)      How it may be implemented in the security lab:

This project requires a LAN environment and a network server to provide WEB, TELNET and FTP services. This server can support both non-secure and secure connection using IPSec. The client computer will be one of the workstations in the D158 network. Each student will be given external hard disk in order to install operating system and utilities. See section b (Tools utilized) for relevant information.

f)        Level of difficulty:

Based on the level of difficulty, this experiment can be classified as an experiment of intermediate difficulty.

g)      Grading criteria and methods:

The grader checks the screen shots and the files of captured network traffic to see if the student really succeeds to protect network traffic using the IPSec protocol set.